
Financial Planning

  • Financial Planning: Craft a personalized roadmap to achieve your financial goals, including short-term needs, long-term aspirations, and retirement planning.
  • Investment Planning: Make informed investment decisions aligned with your risk tolerance and financial goals.
  • Tax Planning: Minimize your tax burden and maximize your returns through strategic tax planning techniques that comply with regulations.
  • Retirement Planning: Secure your financial future by planning and saving for a comfortable and fulfilling retirement lifestyle.
  • Insurance Planning: Safeguard yourself and your loved ones from financial hardship in times of need with comprehensive insurance plans.

Accounting Services

  • Bookkeeping & Recordkeeping: Maintain meticulous and up-to-date financial records for clear insights into your financial health.
  • Tax Filing & Compliance: Ensure timely and accurate tax filing for both businesses and individuals.
  • GST Reconciliation: Streamline your Goods and Services Tax (GST) filing process and guarantee compliance.
  • Auditing : Gain valuable insights and peace of mind with comprehensive audits to identify areas for improvement and ensure financial accuracy.
  • Finalization of Accounts : Receive expertly prepared and clear financial statements that empower informed decision-making.
  • Company Formation & Secretarial Services : Navigate the process of company formation and ensure ongoing adherence to corporate regulations.
  • IPO Services (or Initial Public Offering (IPO) Support) : Guide your company through the entire process of going public.
  • Direct & Indirect Tax Services : Benefit from our expertise in handling both direct and indirect taxes to minimize your tax burden.
  • Management Accounting & Cost Control : Gain valuable insights into your business operations and implement effective cost control strategies.
  • Business Valuation : Obtain accurate and reliable valuations for your business.
  • Financial Reporting & Analysis : Develop insightful financial reports and conduct thorough financial analysis to support informed financial decisions.

Loan Assistance

  • Business Loan Assistance: Secure financing to achieve your business goals.
  • Personal Loan Assistance: Secure financing for personal needs.

Business Formation & Advisory Services

  • Company Formation: Form a business entity that best suits your needs.
  • Trademark Registration & Protection: Secure your brand identity.
  • Business Licensing & Permits: Obtain the necessary licenses and permits to operate your business legally.
  • Company Secretarial Services: Ensure your company adheres to corporate governance standards and best practices.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why choose SMK ?

We train you to maintain financial discipline  – knowing how to handle your income, manage funds, grow your capital, invest right and plan a financially sound future for you and your family.

2. What is my financial position / net worth today?

Are you prepared to answer, if this question ever emerges. As easy as it may seem, it is the fusion of your assets and liabilities but are you trained to identify these attributes and work out the calculation. We make it easy for you.

3. How can I manage my personal expenses and track them ?

To manage and track your personal expenses, you have to check through bank statements, categorize your expenses, build budgets, etc. We have designed a user-friendly working sheet that can help you keep track.

4. Can I actually have monthly budgets and how does that create impact?

A budget helps create financial stability. By tracking expenses and following a plan, a budget makes it easier to pay bills on time, build an emergency fund, and save for major expenses such as car, home and others.

5. How does my income and expenses change over a period of time?

It’s always good to keep track of expenses and income how it changes over a period, in most cases average salary increase may be 10-20% but expenses may change from one to one. With our working sheet you will be able to get to track your income and expenses.

6. How can my savings be utilized for optimum growth?

Everyone saves for the future or for family occasions or events and of course for retirement as well. We can help you to create the best saving plan that can fulfill your short term and long term dreams, retirement and others . It can also be diversified depending on the market to help you reach goals.

7. What is an Emergency Fund and what is its function?

Emergency funds are a matter of solace in dire times. This should be the topmost priority for anyone planning to work on sound financial well-being. Emergency funds need to essentially be planned to cover your expenses for 6 months in case of any financial downfall. Allocation of funds towards this cause is done keeping your income and monthly expenses in mind.

8. Why Online Financial Consultations Are Perfect for You?

Get expert advice from anywhere, on your schedule. Save time & money, discuss privately & securely.

9. Should the emergency fund be my first short term goal?

There is no doubt and second thought about this, EMERGENCY FUND should be your short term dream and you must have the same.

10. Having a basic salary of 25k can i build my retirement fund ?

The answer is YES. We need to meet one-on-one to discuss and plan this.

11. At what age should I start planning for my retirement?

One should work on a retirement fund as early as possible. This is often ignored in the initial years of working but is utmost crucial. Planning your retirement should be a default plan for any working professional. We use advanced techniques to help you plan the distribution of funds as per your goals.

12. I’m 45 years old and I have no retirement fund. Can I start working on it from now if I want to retire at 50? Or so

It’s never too late for you to start working towards the retirement fund, no matter how much you saved so far and how old you are, you can’t change what happened but we can change the future. At SMK we can help you build the same after understanding a few things from you.

13. How do you make yourself financially happy?

Financially happy people stick to a budget, avoid impulsive spending, pay their credit bills on time, save for financial emergencies, and plan their retirement ahead of time. They donate to charitable causes and do not waste their money.

14. How can I improve my financial skills? And be better ?

It’s very simple, subscribe to our monthly newsletter, listen to our podcast, follow us on social media, start following monthly budgets, this should help you be better. If you need more help you can get in touch with us and we are happy to help.

15. What type of insurance should I take health ? life? Term ?

I would say health insurance for every individual is a must and then you should start planning for a term insurance since it is less expensive as compared to life insurance. But life insurance is what we recommend because it covers your whole life while term insurance is valid till a particular period of time.

16. What Can You Get Help With Online?

Financial planning, budgeting, investment strategies, tax planning & filing, retirement planning & more.

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